Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Days 70 - 73

70/365 - March 16, 2012 
Green velvet cake, fresh out of the oven! I love how fun this shade of green turned out!
(And yes, we do love our desserts. Ha ha. Mostly, I just enjoy experimenting!)

71/365 - March 17, 2012 
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Nom nom nom.

72/365 - March 18, 2012 
Leah requested another visit to the Gardens. Such warm weather - why not? I snapped this photo of her from far away, when she wasn't paying attention. ;)

73/365 - March 19, 2012
Leah & I attended the first birthday party of Gigi's Cupcakes, our favorite cupcake shop in town! Leah got a Miss Princess cupcake and I got a free t-shirt along with some discounts on future purchases. Found out this morning that I won a bigger prize in their raffle: a free family photo session with a local photographer! So exciting!!!

Days 65 - 69

65/365 - March 11, 2012 
St. Patty's Day window clings

66/365 - March 12, 2012 
Strawberries have been on sale around here a lot lately, so strawberry shortcake seemed like a fun dessert idea.

67/365 - March 13, 2012 
Our "wall of green" has begun! Once the leaves are full-grown, it's nothing but green along the backyard. I am amazed at how early it's happened this year, thanks to the mild winter.

68/365 - March 14, 2012 
First picnic of the season!

69/365 - March 15, 2012
Homemade Shamrock Shakes. :) 

Days 60 - 64

60/365 - March 6, 2012 
Leah & her boys. :)

61/365 - March 7, 2012 
My super yummy protein-packed breakfast that left me feeling satisfied for much of the day! Two egg omelet, homemade rye toast (1 w/ butter, 1 w/ raspberry preserves), and my green smoothie. YUM.

62/365 - March 8, 2012 
Saw this spiffy full moon when I woke up and walked out to the kitchen for coffee.

63/365 - March 9, 2012 
My flower child. :)

64/365 - March 10, 2012
Absolutely gorgeous day so we went to the Botanical Gardens to see what was in bloom!

Days 55 - 59

55/365 - March 1, 2012
Signs of Spring!

56/365 - March 2, 2012
My beautiful Leah in a new dress we picked up at a kids' consignment sale. She calls it her Minnie Mouse dress because of the red with white polka dots! Love, love, love this picture!

57/365 - March 3, 2012
Mmmm, we made cupcakes. Leah decorated with sprinkles!

58/365 - March 4, 2012
Playroom preview of the new shelves. Since taking this, I swapped the shelves to the other side of the room.

59/365 - March 5, 2012
More flowers! The light was just so lovely that day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Days 50 - 54

50/365 - February 23, 2012
Spent a lovely afternoon at the park! And yes, this is how my silly girl likes to wear her headbands. ;)

Um, I totally forgot to take any pictures on Friday or Saturday. Whoops. Let's just forget about that and move along, shall we?

51/365 - February 26, 2012
I was being artsy fartsy and trying out different angles. Heh. Again, notice the placement of Leah's headband... our little flower child.

52/365 - February 27, 2012
Dancing with a stuffed dog to "Jolly Holiday" from Mary Poppins!

53/365 - February 28, 2012
My new favorite drink: the Green Monster Smoothie. It consists of 1 frozen banana (or regular banana & ice cubes), 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 cup milk, and as much fresh spinach as you want to pack into the blender! Awesome, awesome way to get extra veggie servings without even tasting them. I've had one every single day this week!

54/365 - February 29, 2012
I picked this up at Hobby Lobby (seriously love that store). I love the rustic, country look to it and the fact that it's blue and matches my kitchen. They were sold in a few different shades and though I first saw them earlier in the month, I didn't buy one. Yesterday, I noticed this was the last blue one left so I snatched it up and I'm happy I did. :)