Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Days 26 - 28

26/365 - January 30, 2012
I was playing around with the zoom on my camera, hoping to catch a bird or two in our feeder. Success!

27/365 - January 31, 2012
The sunset, using the "Vivid Colors" setting on my camera! Really makes the sky look intense!

28/365 - February 1, 2012
My beautiful little girl. :) 
Here I was, trying not to bother her with pictures and just focus on the dogs but she kept sitting right in my line of sight and giggling, so I think she was OK with the paparazzi today. ;)


  1. Great pics! I like your feeder, I thought it was ice at first lol

    The colors in the sunset are incredible!! That would be a gorgeous postcard!

    And of course, Leah is cute as a button!

  2. Amanda, I enjoy all of your photos. I was surprised and happy to see the Cardinal and Tufted Titmouse photos of them enjoying seeds at your feeder. Leah is simply beautiful. Allison
